Saturday 19 October 2019

Unlocking Our Metaphysical Abilities

It would be so useful for people to understand the basic principle that every single person's reality is 100% real for them, and is shaped by the unique experiences, perceptions, decisions and cognitive functions that they prefer. 

Due to the evolution of our ability to emulate cognitive functions by matching and mirroring as well as other techniques mostly unconscious to us. Because we are used to using those ways of perceiving reality and making decisions, this causes us to naturally assume that everybody else uses or at least possesses the same set of tools to do so. 

The human evolution of systems thinking, pattern recognition and intuitive intelligence is literally giving us access to unlocking our full potential through the development of these metaphysical and biological creative abilities.

The best part about this worldwide shift occurring now is that it is occurring organically and in harmony with nature. It is already proven that through our ability to consciously match and mirror the people and archetypes that we attribute to our ego (in other words who we think we are or would like to be), we can literally and instantly change the programming of our mind and over time - the entire structure of our DNA.

What inhibits us though is only our limited perspectives and ideals. We tend to perceive and filter any and every situation we encounter and experience only through our own cognitive functions, therefore unconsciously projecting them on to others. 

What truly saddens me is watching a good relationship descend into entropy due to something such as cognitive dissonance. Almost all misunderstandings, conflicts and between betrayals are deeply rooted in our ignorance of our own power. 

This may be the the result of the illusion of gender equality and equal rights that gives us the idea that other people have the exact same mental abilities and opportunities as everyone else, even though our culture has demonstrated otherwise. This illusion has completely disarmed us of the navigation system we need to conduct ourselves appropriately in u known social situations. 

Imagine if we all fully understood the profound value of our own unique capabilities, having accepted our vices and our weaknesses. I can see that in this time we live in now, we should be learning to accurately measure these metaphysical tools as if they were superpowers that could potentially enable us to perform miracles, while allowing others to do the same.

Would we not then acknowledge and do our best to apply and organize these parts of our minds appropriately for the ultimate benefit of humanity? I personally strongly feel that our only true obligation and duty in life is to identify and nurture these aspects of ourselves and others to build stronger and stronger relationships with each other, with the planet and with ourselves. 


  1. It is time to take up new values and do away with the ones not serving us. A new ideology is needed to evolve our society as we have changed so drastically.


Styles of Feeling (Fi) vs (Fe)

Welcome back to the fourth and final episode of my styles of experience series. This is a short four part lecture describing the differe...