Saturday 19 October 2019

Future Advances of Research Into Typology

I have noticed lately that the Myers-Briggs system and typology community finally seems to be gaining credibility in the various fields of psychology and social science. I am also happy to hear that you guys are doing scientific research on the subject.

Ever since I started studying personality typology, socionics, MBTI and cognitive functions - I have had constant ideas coming to me about the many applications and uses of these systems. 

At one stage I had so many ideas that personality types was all I thought about - it even got frustrating! I had started writing books and doing my best to explain the system to everyone I know, but was quite disappointed at how few people here in South Africa even knew about the 16 types. 

I couldn't even find one profiler training course in my area. Considering the amount of knowledge I have gained online though, and how quickly I am now able to type people - I should probably start my own workshops here, lol. 

Anyway, I would love to contribute to more research on the subject and get to applying Jungian analytical psychology to future studies on. metaphysics. If there are any other ways I could get involved, or job opportunities - please do let me know. 

As for my ideas for future research - here goes: 
  • I would be very interested in learning what factors actually influence the development of the personality type's in children. 
  • I would also want to know the effects of working on and strengthening our top functions, and what the most effective ways to do that would be. 
  • Studies on whether the people whose dominant cognitive function has been nurtured and encouraged are much more confident, capable and happy.  
  • More research on micro-expressions, interaction styles, temperaments and body language of the types could be very useful in understanding the different types. 
  • Therapeutic practices that implement and combine personality type with tools such as NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming)
  • I am most interested in the cognitive functions axes and how the shadow functions affect our personalities. 
  • How can we gain more control over the use of the functions, and improve our self understanding, our personal relationships, careers and more. 
Those are just some of the ideas that I have thought of in the past, and I am certain that there are many more. I am quite excited to see how these tools are going to evolve to become reliable systems of understanding our metaphysical power in the world. 

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