I wanted to introduce you guys to an interesting theory that I learnt through watching CS Joseph on YouTube where he has an entire Season on The Virtues and Vices of Each type, and he really does deep into explaining how this affects each personality and why.
Defining Virtues & Vices
So firstly, it's important that we define these abstract metaphysical terms virtues and vices. And, the best definition I could come up with is as follows: A virtue can be defined as "moral excellence" whereas a vice can be defined as "fault considered to be immoral." So a virtue is any positive perceived quality in someone's character that leads to theirs and others happiness. Subsequently, a vice is quite simply put, the lack of virtue. And it is perceived as a negative trait in someone's character that does not lead to yours and others happiness. I also find this information to be useful because it provides some insight into what we are like when we are "displaying our best selves" to the world. Our virtues are the very qualities that people love and admire most about us, and hopefully they are the character traits that we are remembered for long after we are gone. So once we know what they are - we can choose to live and behave in ways that are more aligned with those virtues, so as to minimize the impact and the damage caused by what is perceived as our vices.How This Can Be Applied To The 16 Types
According to him, each of the 16 Myers-Briggs types have a particular preference or tendency to display specific virtues and specific vices. Perhaps they themselves are probably not even aware that this is how they show up, and so it could be really useful to know. Also because what one might consider to be virtuous - might not be seen that way by society - and vice versa with what you might think of as a vice.
However, there are some traits that when taken to the extreme, we can all agree won't lead anyone to happiness, and it's interesting to know what they are based on our Personality types.
I have added a link to the series here because I think it's super informative, useful and accurate. You guys should check out C.S Joseph and his channel on Human Nature and Nurture, because he goes really deep into this theory and how this plays out for each type. I just thought I would summarize this concept and share my thoughts too.
Click here to check out Cs Joseph's Virtues and Vice series.
And so, here is a list of the 16 personality types and what their biggest Virtues and Vices are. I thought this was quite true for me as an INFJ, and although I only briefly go over each type and their virtues and vices in this video - I do also briefly give my opinion on how I have seen these traits displayed by these personalities. Let me know what you think.
INFP - Loyalty VS Treachery
ENFP - Charity VS Depravity
INFJ - Integrity VS Corruption
ENFJ - Benevolence VS Cruelty
INTP - Attentiveness VS ApathyENTP - Sincerity VS Insincerity
INTJ - Objectivity VS Triviality
ENTJ - Altruism VS Avarice
ISTP - Joy VS MelancholyESTP - Chastity VS Nymphomania
ISFP - Diligence VS Idleness
ESFP - Delayed VS Instant Gratification
- ISTJ - Objectivity VS Triviality
- ESTJ - Serenity VS Chaos
- ISFJ - Faith VS Fear
- ESFJ - Care-giving VS Care-taking
In a way, to me this theory describes the deeper values & morals these types are pursuing. It also gives us valuable clues about the kind of extremes the different types go through when in healthy VS unhealthy states.
I hope that this article was informative and useful for you, please do let me know your thoughts in the comments - I would love to know whether or not you feel that these traits apply to your personality type.
Watch the full video here:
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