This is going to be a short 3-part series about the two different styles of Intuition, Thinking and Feeling that we prefer and is based on the theory of the 8 cognitive functions as defined by Carl Jung. Each of the three dichotomies/dimensions of experience - Intuition, Thinking and Feeling take on one of two styles - which are either introverted or extroverted in their attitude or direction. In this series I would like describe these differences and how they play out for the 16 Myers Briggs personality types.
Eight of the 16 personality types have a Perceiving process (Sensing or Intuition) as their dominant cognitive function - meaning that they prefer to observe, learn and take in information before making a decision. Whereas the other 8 types have a Judging process (Thinking or Feeling) as their dominant cognitive function - so they prefer to make their decisions first before they move on to observing or taking in new information.
Starting off with Intuition - which is a perceiving process. The personality types whose dominant cognitive function is Intuitive are the INTJ, INFJ, ENFP and ENTP personality types as their favorite style of experiencing reality is that through Intuition.
These four types can be further narrowed down based on their preferred style or attitude of Intuition - either introverted or extroverted intuition. And is as follows:
INTJ and INFJ personalities use introverted Intuition as their dominant cognitive function.
ENTP and ENFP personality types use extroverted intuition as their dominant cognitive function.
These differences in direction or focus gives the types that prefer to intuit in this way a specific attitude to their Intuition. They therefore experience their intuition quite differently.
Introverted intuition (Ni) vs Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Introverted Intuition:
Introverted Intuition is a process that is oriented toward the inner world of insights, theories, and impressions. Its role is to collect conscious and subconscious data which it then integrates to create “impressions.” This ability to synthesize information in gives Ni a penetrating and insightful quality.Ni goes deep, seeing underlying patterns and causes. It has a keen ability to project future outcomes based on these patterns. This ability gives it a sort of ESP vibe. While it is impressive, it is not a woo-woo ability to see the future. Instead, it’s a subconscious process that delivers insights that are often accurate and seem to come from “out of the blue.”
These insights can sometimes be as surprising to the Ni user as they are to those they share them with. However, healthy Ni-users come to trust the process due to the regularity with which the impressions prove true.
Characteristics of Ni
· Ability to hold multiple perspectives allows Ni to “walk in someone else’s shoes”
· Due to its rarity, users of Ni can at times feel “alien” or misunderstood
· Places high value on truth—understands that inaccurate perceptions can lead to bad or harmful ideas and actions
· Healthy Ni needs time free from distraction in order to perform optimally
· When overstimulated, Ni can become irritable and frustrated
· When under-stimulated, Ni can become detached and apathetic. It needs adventure and new, surprising experiences.
Extroverted Intuition:
Where Introverted Intuition goes deep, Extroverted Intuition (Ne) goes wide. Ne surveys a breadth of information and seeks fresh experiences. Continually asking “what’s possible?” is the strength behind Ne’s divergent thinking.
Both types of intuition work with patterns. However, Ne patterns take on an expansive, non-linear flavor. This allows Ne users to be open-minded and innovative. To an outside observer, Ne pattern-seeking may result in users appearing witty, quirky, and curious, if a bit random.
Characteristics of Ne
· Always asking “what is possible?”
· Can quickly see associations in diverse fields of thoughts that others miss—this lends to Ne ingenuity and cleverness
· When healthy, Ne learns to test its innovative ideas in the real world, benefiting from outside feedback and adjusting as needed
· When underdeveloped, Ne can expect too much of themselves and others, simultaneously feeling overwhelmed and getting upset when things don’t come to fruition fast enough
· When underused, Ne may run out of energy and feel depressed and lethargic
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