Monday 20 January 2020

Styles of Feeling (Fi) vs (Fe)

Welcome back to the fourth and final episode of my styles of experience series. This is a short four part lecture describing the different styles of learning and decision-making of each of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. I am a firm believer in the cognitive functions theory, and how our understanding of the various functions and their utility will transform the way we interact and relate with one another. The bottom line is that we eaxh experience the world so differently, that I am fascinated to understand and appreciate all perspectives - so as to direct them to where they are embraced and appreciated most.

I also find it fascinating that these functions behave differently based on their attitude which is always either introverted or extroverted in nature - according to Carl Jung. If you haven't already watched or read the first second and third episode of the series I do recommend that you do that first, but anyway in case you are new here the easy way to put this is:

Each of the 16 personality archetypes use four cognitive functions consciously and the other four are used unconsciously and are often referred to as the shadow funnctions. Although this video and article is not intended to be about shadow work - I can still tell you that the unconscious aspects of ourselves are those which consist of those parts of ourselves and others that we dislike or reject, or have been taught to do so.

The most important thing to understand no matter what personality type you are is that everybody uses or eight of the cognitive functions.  the question is in what position the function falls in your personality and what attitude it takes on,  this is because these functions exist on a hierarchy.  So your unique personality type  what is known as you e ego depends on the combination of functions that you prefer that make up your Conscience cognitive function stack.

Going back to today's topic which will be about the two styles of feeling which is a judging process used for decision making which unlike thinking is usually more people focused. A fulfilling is a function that is more focused on creating better and more harmonious relationships with others. Feeling also takes on a different approaches depending on its attitude, which is where we can begin to narrow the types down based on whether they use introverted or extroverted feeling.

 Introverted Feeling (Fi)

The types who use introverted feeling as their top or dominant function are the INFPs and ISFPs. The types who use feeling as their auxiliary or second function are the ENFPs and ESFPs. So in order to begin to differentiate between these two types of feeling, let's begin by discussing Introverted Feeling or otherwise known as Fi.

Introverted feeling is a way of making value judgments based on an internal moral framework of what is considered right and wrong. Personality types who are dominant Fi users are INFPs and ISFPs and those who use it as their second/auxiliary function are the ENFPs and ESFPs.

Characteristics of Fi

  •  Authenticity
  •  loyalty to one's own values and beliefs
  •  introspective and slow to develop
  •  able to sympathize with this due to a deep understanding on of human emotion
  •  not easily pressured by peers
  •  highly individualistic
  •  uninterested in latest trends
  •  know themselves and their own emotions

 Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

Extroverted feeling is a judging process focused on maintaining harmony with those around them. Fe is adaptable and feels into the emotional environment it finds itself in. Extroverted feeling users report feeling other's negative or positive emotions even from a distance. They enjoy connecting with people in the moment, are highly empathetic and love to create warm and entertaining experiences for those around them. The types that use Fe as their dominant cognitive function are the ENFJs and ESFJs, and the ones who have it as their second or auxiliary function are the INFJs and ISFJs.

Characteristics of Fe

  • An ability to harmonize with others
  • Highly empathetic
  • Diplomatic
  • Adaptable to new trends
  • May have difficulty in distinguishing between other's feelings and their own.
  • Can be easily influenced by peers
  • Are able to feel into others perspectives
  • Look outward for their value judgments

And so, to summarize - unlike the Thinking process of making decisions, Feeling is more people focused and values emotional expression over cold data. Introverted feeling develops one's own values and morals over time, whereas Extroverted Feeling looks outward to new popular trends in order to harmonize with the emotions within their environment.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Styles Of Intuition (Ni vs Ne)

This is going to be a short 3-part series about the two different styles of Intuition, Thinking and Feeling that we prefer and is based on the theory of the 8 cognitive functions as defined by Carl Jung. Each of the three dichotomies/dimensions of experience - Intuition, Thinking and Feeling take on one of two styles - which are either introverted or extroverted in their attitude or direction. In this series I would like describe these differences and how they play out for the 16 Myers Briggs personality types.

Eight of the 16 personality types have a Perceiving process (Sensing or Intuition) as their dominant cognitive function - meaning that they prefer to observe, learn and take in information before making a decision. Whereas the other 8 types have a Judging process (Thinking or Feeling) as their dominant cognitive function - so they prefer to make their decisions first before they move on to observing or taking in new information.

Starting off with Intuition - which is a perceiving process. The personality types whose dominant cognitive function is Intuitive are the INTJ, INFJ, ENFP and ENTP personality types as their favorite style of experiencing reality is that through Intuition.

These four types can be further narrowed down based on their preferred style or attitude of Intuition - either introverted or extroverted intuition. And is as follows:

INTJ and INFJ personalities use introverted Intuition as their dominant cognitive function.
ENTP and ENFP personality types use extroverted intuition as their dominant cognitive function.

These differences in direction or focus gives the types that prefer to intuit in this way a specific attitude to their Intuition. They therefore experience their intuition quite differently.

Introverted intuition (Ni) vs Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

Introverted Intuition:

Introverted Intuition is a process that is oriented toward the inner world of insights, theories, and impressions. Its role is to collect conscious and subconscious data which it then integrates to create “impressions.” This ability to synthesize information in gives Ni a penetrating and insightful quality.

Ni goes deep, seeing underlying patterns and causes. It has a keen ability to project future outcomes based on these patterns. This ability gives it a sort of ESP vibe. While it is impressive, it is not a woo-woo ability to see the future. Instead, it’s a subconscious process that delivers insights that are often accurate and seem to come from “out of the blue.”

These insights can sometimes be as surprising to the Ni user as they are to those they share them with. However, healthy Ni-users come to trust the process due to the regularity with which the impressions prove true.

Characteristics of Ni

·      Ability to hold multiple perspectives allows Ni to “walk in someone else’s shoes”
·      Due to its rarity, users of Ni can at times feel “alien” or misunderstood
·      Places high value on truth—understands that inaccurate perceptions can lead to bad or harmful ideas and actions
·      Healthy Ni needs time free from distraction in order to perform optimally
·      When overstimulated, Ni can become irritable and frustrated
·      When under-stimulated, Ni can become detached and apathetic. It needs adventure and new, surprising experiences.

Extroverted Intuition:

Extroverted Intuition is a process that is oriented toward the outer world of possibilities and novel experiences. Its role is to seek new combinations of existing data, expanding its “web” of patterns. This ability to expand upon information gives Ne an innovative and open-minded quality.

Where Introverted Intuition goes deep, Extroverted Intuition (Ne) goes wide. Ne surveys a breadth of information and seeks fresh experiences. Continually asking “what’s possible?” is the strength behind Ne’s divergent thinking.

Both types of intuition work with patterns. However, Ne patterns take on an expansive, non-linear flavor. This allows Ne users to be open-minded and innovative. To an outside observer, Ne pattern-seeking may result in users appearing witty, quirky, and curious, if a bit random.

Characteristics of Ne

·      Always asking “what is possible?”
·      Can quickly see associations in diverse fields of thoughts that others miss—this lends to Ne ingenuity and cleverness
·      When healthy, Ne learns to test its innovative ideas in the real world, benefiting from outside feedback and adjusting as needed
·      When underdeveloped, Ne can expect too much of themselves and others, simultaneously feeling overwhelmed and getting upset when things don’t come to fruition fast enough
·      When underused, Ne may run out of energy and feel depressed and lethargic

Please comment and let me know what you guys think.

Monday 16 December 2019

Join Our Interactive Personality Typing Experiment

How good are you at reading people? Do you consider yourself quite an expert at understanding others? If so, then I would guess that you are familiar with the Myers Briggs 16 personality types, Socionics or Jungian psychoanalysis. Perhaps you have heard of the work of Carl Jung and his research into the archetypes.

Many of those active in the MBTI community these days claim that they can figure out someone's type in a matter of seconds - while others argue that you need many hours of watching and listening in order to accurately type someone.

Some of the MBTI experts state that you can only type a person face to face, while other experts can type people by watching them speak on video.

Not to mention the multitude of various different ways to type and methods these professionals profilers use to type their clients. Some of them have charts and grids they use to place people on, while observing their behavior and communication style.

I have seen others type people by listening for specific language patterns while they speak, and other experts simply look at facial micro-expressions to figure out what personality type someone most likely fits.

I find this fascinating and would like to get more people interested in learning to type. It is important that everyone understands themselves and others, no matter how they choose to utilize these tools.

Type My Friend Sessions

So please do join me in what is meant to be an interactive and collaborative typing experiment, and let's find out just how good we are collectively at speed typing others. This could also be a good way of finally legitimizing the MBTI tool as a valid science within the field of psychology.

All you need to do to participate in the objective typing process is join me in these Type My Friend live broadcasts, during which I ask different people the same set of questions. And by observing them and the way they answer - you comment with your guess as to what type they are, and why you think so.

If you can't join us live, you can always watch the replay and add your comments after. The sessions are always conducted with no rehearsal or editing of any kind - so as to maintain objectivity.

These live sessions are 100% free to join, and can be accessed via Zoom from any device, browser, or via the mobile application. The replay videos can be found on YouTube and are no more than 20 minute long. Results will only be published in 2020 once enough data has been collected.

Your participation would assist us in furthering our self-knowledge, the entire field, and would help us perhaps for many generations to come.

Links to participate below:

Watch & comment on YouTube replays:

Join our chatroom for discussions:

Facebook: personalitycoachsa


Whatsapp: 078 341 1036

To book my professional typing and coaching services - visit my website at: 

Virtues And Vices Of The 16 Personality Types

I wanted to introduce you guys to an interesting theory that I learnt through watching CS Joseph on YouTube where he has an entire Season on The Virtues and Vices of Each type, and he really does deep into explaining how this affects each personality and why.

Defining Virtues & Vices

So firstly, it's important that we define these abstract metaphysical terms virtues and vices. And, the best definition I could come up with is as follows: A virtue can be defined as "moral excellence" whereas a vice can be defined as "fault considered to be immoral." So a virtue is any positive perceived quality in someone's character that leads to theirs and others happiness. Subsequently, a vice is quite simply put, the lack of virtue. And it is perceived as a negative trait in someone's character that does not lead to yours and others happiness. I also find this information to be useful because it provides some insight into what we are like when we are "displaying our best selves" to the world. Our virtues are the very qualities that people love and admire most about us, and hopefully they are the character traits that we are remembered for long after we are gone. So once we know what they are - we can choose to live and behave in ways that are more aligned with those virtues, so as to minimize the impact and the damage caused by what is perceived as our vices.

How This Can Be Applied To The 16 Types

According to him, each of the 16 Myers-Briggs types have a particular preference or tendency to display specific virtues and specific vices. Perhaps they themselves are probably not even aware that this is how they show up, and so it could be really useful to know. Also because what one might consider to be virtuous - might not be seen that way by society - and vice versa with what you might think of as a vice.

However, there are some traits that when taken to the extreme, we can all agree won't lead anyone to happiness, and it's interesting to know what they are based on our Personality types. I have added a link to the series here because I think it's super informative, useful and accurate. You guys should check out C.S Joseph and his channel on Human Nature and Nurture, because he goes really deep into this theory and how this plays out for each type. I just thought I would summarize this concept and share my thoughts too.

Click here to check out Cs Joseph's Virtues and Vice series. 

And so, here is a list of the 16 personality types and what their biggest Virtues and Vices are. I thought this was quite true for me as an INFJ, and although I only briefly go over each type and their virtues and vices in this video - I do also briefly give my opinion on how I have seen these traits displayed by these personalities. Let me know what you think.


INFP - Loyalty VS Treachery

ENFP - Charity VS Depravity

INFJ - Integrity VS Corruption 

ENFJ - Benevolence VS Cruelty


INTP - Attentiveness VS Apathy

ENTP - Sincerity VS Insincerity

INTJ - Objectivity VS Triviality

ENTJ - Altruism VS Avarice


ISTP - Joy VS Melancholy

ESTP - Chastity VS Nymphomania

ISFP - Diligence VS Idleness

ESFP - Delayed VS Instant Gratification


  • ISTJ - Objectivity VS Triviality
  • ESTJ - Serenity VS Chaos
  • ISFJ - Faith VS Fear
  • ESFJ - Care-giving VS Care-taking

In a way, to me this theory describes the deeper values & morals these types are pursuing. It also gives us valuable clues about the kind of extremes the different types go through when in healthy VS unhealthy states.

I hope that this article was informative and useful for you, please do let me know your thoughts in the comments - I would love to know whether or not you feel that these traits apply to your personality type.

Watch the full video here:

Join our chatroom for discussions:

To book my professional typing and coaching services - visit my website at:

Facebook Page: personalitycoachsa
Whatsapp: 078 341 1036

Monday 9 December 2019

The 16 Personality Types Overview

An overview of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality type's. These are very general descriptions of the Jungian archetypes and do not explain your personality in depth with all it's nuances, but the four-letter codes describe your dichotomy preference - which can then be summarized into these portraits. 

These descriptions are meant to give general depictions of how these types typically show up to the world.

The short portraits in this article can be helpful for those still figuring out what their true personality type is since it is the case that the online tests can be highly inaccurate. If you are perhaps still deciding between two types - reading descriptions can be a good way to settle on one type that best fits you. This post is for those new to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tool, Socionics and Jungian depth psychology.

It can tell us how you gain energy and what type of information you tend to value. It can tell us how you best make decisions, how you organize your time and even which environments or roles you would thrive in, and which would put you under stress. Your personality type can be a useful tool for assessing compatibility, improving relationships, conflict resolution, career planning and team-management

If you do not yet know what your personality types is, you can take a quick test by clicking here. Once you have completed the test and you have your result, we can begin unpacking the four-letter code that is your Myers-Briggs Type. This code describes your preference of Percieving (learning information and Judging (making decisions). It can tell us a lot about who you are and how you see the world differently from others. 


If you are looking for a much more comprehensive deep dive into understanding who you are, you should also look into your cognitive functions and their roles in your personality. This theory is over a century old and is based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. In this post, I do not go into cognitive functions, so it will probably not be as useful for personal development or for gaining any deep self-knowledge. If you are looking for a more comprehensive analysis of your type, to understand how your brain is uniquely wired or to use this information for personal growth - I would recommend you learn The 8 Cognitive Functions. Alternatively, you can book a Typing Session or Self-actualization Coaching, either with myself or another MBTI certified personality profiler and counselor.


 Your personality type code can also be used to determine your temperament according to David Keirsey's theory of the 4 Temperaments. The descriptions below are divided into the four temperaments (Guardians, Artisans, Rationals and Idealists), and can also be a fun way of quickly demonstrating how we can group them socially, which roles they thrive in and their communication styles. Understanding this can help us appreciate each other's talents, and try to understand why it is that we have such differing values and attitudes.

Sunday 24 November 2019

The Value in Understanding Typology

As humans, we seem very similar. Our bodies work in similar ways, and we all have the same basic needs in order to survive. However, the way in which we prioritize those needs and our cognitive preferences are somewhat different. 

When working with others, many of us assume that we know the other person’s motives. We may find ourselves in unnecessary conflicts if we assume that everyone thinks the same way as we do, or notices the same things around them. 

Resolve Conflicts

These difference sometimes cause us to misjudge people, or create the wrong impression of ourselves and therefore get misjudged by others. Nobody likes feeling misunderstood or out of place, and everyone has something unique and valuable to offer. If the people around you don’t understand your personality, it can be difficult for them to appreciate your way of doing things. They might question your motives, ignore your ideas, criticize them, or even try to get you to change.

Find Your Place In The World 

By understanding your own personality type, you get to discover how your brain works, you discover that you are not alone, and that you are not completely flawed. You get to learn how to develop and leverage your unique strengths, and you learn to accept and work around your natural weaknesses. For example, you might be someone who is future-oriented, innovative and a big picture thinker - but get easily bored doing the more routined and detailed day-to-day tasks that are also necessary for your success. By understanding this about yourself - you can pick the right career that is suitable for you, or you can hire other personality types to help you get those mundane tasks done quicker. 


Once you discover your personality type, you can begin to connect with like-minded people, and stop trying to change people who are different to you. You might feel relieved to discover that you are not crazy, and that there are places and careers in which your talents and skills are much needed. You can finally stop being so harsh on yourself about the struggles you face that other people perceive as petty or inconsequential and give yourself a break. Before I discovered my type, I thought that my need to express emotion or tears in front of people made me weak and vulnerable, and whenever I did so, I would beat myself up about it. Knowing now that that is a part of my personality and talking to other Feeler types like myself - I now see how this trait can be useful as well, in the right context. 

Appreciating Others

Knowing your personality can make you much more patient and understanding when dealing with other people. You begin to notice that people are not the way they are because they are trying to hurt you in any way, but because that is part of their personality. You then start to appreciate people for their unique strengths and can offer more compassion and forgiveness for their weaknesses. Knowing other people’s personality types can enable you to learn from others, encourage them to be their best, and delegate the right tasks to the right workers. It enables you to choose your interactions and relationships wisely, in a way that is beneficial to all parties involved.

Build Better Relationships

Knowing your personality type can help resolve conflicts in relationships, it can help us communicate better with one another and better understand our partners needs and values. You can learn to understand your partners perspectives and why they do what they do. Instead of viewing the other’s personality traits that differ from yours as problems they need to work on,you can learn to accept those traits, and forgive their actions with greater ease. 

By becoming aware of your differences, you become much more appreciative of them as a person. Once you have accepted your own personality, it also becomes easy to relate with people from all walks of life, it can make you feel more confident, accepted, understood and empowered to share who you are, and to let the world see you.

Your Map For Personal Growth

Your personality type can enable you to create a personalized plan for your personal development journey. You learn how your brain is wired, what your most natural state of being is, and which of your cognitive functions you need to develop. If you choose to go deeper in your research, you will discover your cognitive functions stack and how each affects your life and relationships. This can serve as a tailored map for your personal growth, as it can show you where you are, and what you need to work on in what order. You get to learn what you will most likely enjoy, as well as what to avoid by listening to advice from other people in similar situations who share the same personality as you.

The personality test that I recommend the most, is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, which is one of the most popular and widespread personality assessment tools available today. It was first developed by Carl Jung and later perfected by Isabel Myers Briggs and is used in  many different fields and areas of psychology, sociology, career, team-building and personal development. 

You can take a free test now, to discover your 4 letter code that makes up your personality here

Thursday 14 November 2019

Personality Development For The INFJ

Since you have now determined that your personality type is INFJ, you now know that this makes you an: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeler, Judger. 

We can now use this 4-letter code which is your Type, to see into the nature of how your mind prefers to learn information, and make decisions. 

We do this through observing your cognitive function stack - which comprises of the four mental processes that you prefer to use as an INFJ. 

Each mental process exists within a hierarchy, with your first function being the dominant one and which comes to you most naturally. 

Followed by your second or auxiliary function which serves as a supporting and growth function for your personality. followed by two weaker functions

You might have received your result through our profiling session - in which case you can be sure that it is accurate. 

However, if you typed as an INFJ using a free online personality test, it is important that you read as many different personality profiles as possible and from a variety of different sources.

Once we are sure of your personality type, we can then begin to plan your personal growth journey.

As for all personality types, success and maturity can be achieved through developing your cognitive function stack.

Let's now have a quick review of your conscious cognitive processes as an INFJ. 

Dominant/parent function: 
Introverted Intuition (Ni) 

Auxiliary/growth function:
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) 

Tertiary/relief function:
Introverted Thinking (Ti) 

Inferior/aspirational function:
Extroverted Sensing (Se)

For you as an INFJ, it is important to have a clear vision for where you are headed in life. 

Since you are a dominant Perciever type, it is important that you work on developing your other Judging functions in order to achieve your goals and to keep learning. 

Developing your supporting judging functions will enable you to make the right decisions to bring you closer to the ideals that you so desperately desire. 

It is tempting for all dominant Perceiving types to simply go through life observing and taking in new information without having to immediately make a judgment about what they are observing or what it means to them. 

Introverted Intuition (Ni) 

As an INFJ you could easily just remain a passive observer of reality. You can happily try on a variety of perspectives without stopping to evaluate whether or not what you are learning is actually serving you in any way. 

This is often why underdeveloped INFJs can be indecisive and easily swayed by their peers towards whatever they or the environment required of the INFJ.

Since your second auxiliary function is Extroverted Feeling (Fe), you will have a tendency to prioritise others needs before your own. Over time though, this may cause you to harbor resentment. 

Very few if not none of the other personality types are even able to conceive of or let alone live up to that expectation. 

This is mainly because you have a tendency to expect your loved ones to simply know and anticipate what your needs are. (Since this is what you do for them naturally) and therefore you secretly hope someone will return the favor and do the same for you. 

This is why it is so important for INFJs to understand that their ability to Intuit the needs of their friends and family is a rare trait and that other types are just not wired that way.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe) 

It is recommended that as an INFJ, you start your personal growth journey by first developing your auxiliary Extroverted Feeling (Fe) function, before attempting to physically tackle the entire world by yourself. 

Also what many INFJs notice is that while developing their Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling function, their inferior function of the same attitude becomes automatically more developed as well. 

This is because it also has an extroverted attitude, and so it is outwardly focused. This would require you to get out of your head in order to use it. 

So since Fe is already a natural strength for you, it would be easier and more natural for you to work on developing it before moving on to developing your weaker functions. 

How to develop
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) 

Extroverted feeling is a Judging function that focuses on the feeling atmosphere of its immediate environment. People who use this function easily empathize with the feelings the values of those around them. 

They find that they sometimes easily confuse their own values with those of their peers. Also, they may have trouble distinguishing between their own feelings and the feelings of those around them. 

Extroverted Feeling users often get a great deal of satisfaction from making others feel good and helping them solve problems. 

This mental process is concerned with maintaining a harmonious environment with the people in their lives. They tend to be sensitive and conflict avoidant. 

However, this function when applied has amazing skills in conflict resolution and can be very good at the art of persuasion. 
Using Fe Effectively 

In order to use extraverted feeling effectively, it is important to ensure that you maintain healthy emotional and physical boundaries with people. 

This is in order to ensure that the vision that they are pursuing is in line with our own values and opinions as well. So this is where the tertiary function Introverted Thinking (Ti) comes into play. 

Introverted Thinking (Ti) 

Moving on to your third or tertiary cognitive function of Introverted Thinking (Ti). 

Since this function shares the same Introverted attitude as your dominant function - 
you will probably quite enjoy using and developing this  tertiary process. 

Also because for INFJs, this function is a source of relief for you to use in conjunction with your dominant Ni. 

Most INFJs will probably only become interested in developing the Ti cognitive function after adolescence and it becomes more and more value to them as they mature. only after you have relatively mastered your Fe function to create a harmonious feeling environment for yourself and others. 

Developing your Introverted Thinking will allow you to learn to think logically for yourself. It will give you the ability to develop your own unique systems for interacting with the physical sensory world from which you often feel so disconnected from. 

There is of course a good reason for this disconnect that you experience with the physical world. It is all thanks to your inferior function - Extroverted Sensing. 

Extroverted Sensing 

Because this style of perceiving reality is the polar opposite to your dominant function Ni (introverted Intuition) - you only tend to use it when you really have to.

It is a part of your brain that is at about the same maturity level as a 3 year old child. Therefore, it is usually where all your blind-spots and weaknesses reside. 

Also, you use up much more energy when interacting with the world in this way. So you're much less comfortable using this function, as it would require to be present in the here and now, and to take in large amounts of sensory data from the outside world. 

But as as INFJ, you would probably much rather stay cosy and safe in your subjective theoretical exploration of future possibilities and abstract ideas. 

You learn and understand information in the form of symbols and meanings and you cannot help but live mostly in those perceptions. 

Dew to your strong willpower as an INFJ, you will naturally feel a strong need to develop your inferior/aspirational function as soon as possible; I personally think that it would be much easier for INFJs to focus on expanding on their strengths, instead of trying to improve on their weaknesses. 

It might be worthy to note that since Extroverted Sensing is the fourth and weakest function in the INFJs cognitive function stack, it is also where they gain their aspiration. 

Therefore you can notice their desire to be more adept at getting into action. Almost every INFJ has a passion for building and creating original works such as art, and writing books. 

It is because of the influence of the Se child in them that they continue to persevere in manifesting their dreams into tangible results in the world. 

Once fully developed, you will find that you are better able to then stay present with, feel proud of, and worthy of the finest sensations possible. 

It is then that the INFJ can relax and experience the full joy of the present moment. 

Inferior Extroverted Sensing Struggles

Some of the struggles associated with having inferior Se, include a constant feeling that reality is imposing upon you. You can't seem to handle as much sensory input as others, and therefore dislike loud and crowded places. 

You also get so focused on one path that you have no peripheral vision and are at risk of becoming closed-minded and hypocritical. 

You also tend to neglect the physical world by either completely denying that you have physical needs, or by overindulging in sensory pleasures. It is important that you prioritize your own physical well-being and when planning your future - make time for utilizing this cognitive process. 

Safely engaging your Se

You can comfortably engage your inferior extroverted sensing function by treating it with care and nurturing it. 

Allow yourself to find joy in childish activities and new sensory experiences. For many INFJs I have worked with - yoga and meditation seems to be their favorite way of partaking in Extroverted Sensing activities. 

However, meditation and physical activity it is still not your strong suit as an INFJ, so therefore - it is not recommended that you try to conduct personal growth through Extroverted Sensing. 

For younger INFJs, Se tends to come out in very childish ways and young INFJs will often display hints of their Extroverted Sensing use through their unique style of fashion, their love of art and traveling. Most INFJs find peace by spending alone time in nature, or taking long sunset walks. 

As they develop more and more of their functions, INFJs can become quite the sage. They become well balanced and humble teachers and counselors who help guide others to fulfillment. 

They finally feel comfortable enough to openly share their unique wisdom and insights with the world. teachers and philosophersmature INFJs tend to have a higher appreciation for beauty, asthetics, fine foods and buying quality products. They are more relaxed and able to remain present with people and maintain a sense of calm.

Styles of Feeling (Fi) vs (Fe)

Welcome back to the fourth and final episode of my styles of experience series. This is a short four part lecture describing the differe...